A (Tardy) Ten Month Update

Baby boy, at ten months old, we were in the heat of summer and gearing up for you to meet your cousins, aunt, and uncle who were coming to visit the very next week!

Between nine and ten months, a lot changed!  Here goes nothing…

Firsts: You quickly moved from climbing the ONE bottom step to  racing up the whole set! That led to another first…the baby gates! We learned quickly that the upstairs hallway was no longer safe sans gates, as well as the fact that you would beeline it for the stairs from the living room and be on the second floor in no time! You were pretty bummed/shocked/fascinated the first time you noticed the gates had foiled your plan…but then hanging on to the gate became a new fascination. We knew any time you’d be taking your first steps. You celebrated the Fourth of July with our “traditional” cookout at Gigi and Poppy’s house with Mommy’s family. You tried a couple new foods that day (mentioned later…) and loved watching your second cousins, Shian and Hunter.  Playing in the pool was a bonus! You spent the night with Gigi and Poppy and had your first “restaurant” food–a plain sweet potato.  What a big boy!  You went to a downtown Bristol event for the first time–we saw the Clydesdale horses and walked around with Rachel and Landon.  It wasn’t a first, but you went to a wedding (your second) of our friends Jayson and Elizabeth. You snacked on strawberries, picked a flower off Mrs. Debbie’s corsage (oops!), and socialized with our table of Discovery friends…you pretty much ate it up.

Likes: You are absolutely a water baby. You love playing in the pool, bath tub, and at the water table.  Every time you get a little braver (and try to drink the pool water…oops).  You love getting out and about, and we sometimes venture out to the park, to a restaurant for lunch, or for errands. Our “Mom and Liam” time is lots of fun!  You really love Fridays when Daddy’s off work and we get to do whatever we want as a family. You’re enjoying the newfound freedom of exploring table foods, too.

Dislikes: You’re starting to get more mobile, which means you’re exploring more, which means you’re finding your way to things we can’t let you have: keys, picture frames, cords, electronics, etc. etc. etc. 🙂  So, like anyone, you dislike hearing NO…but you’ll be hearing it consistently every time!  Sorry, baby, but it’s more important that you grow up respectful and obedient than we worry about “hurting your feelings.” 😉

Eating: On July 4, you tried a peach for the first time, literally chomping into a peach Gigi handed you and going to town!  You ate 2/3 of a whole peach, devouring every bite.  It was hilarious.  You also tried (and loved) blueberries and pulled pork (your first Ridgewood experience, the same day as uncle Landon…hehe). You “helped yourself” to puffs in your snack cup this month and tried a new flavor, apple cinnamon puffs…mmm.  There’s probably even more that I’m not remembering at the moment.

Sleep: You’re still sleeping with pretty much the same schedule–still 11-12 hours at night, with two naps MOST days. We know these days are numbered and count them blessings, hehe.  When you nap, it usually doesn’t come without a fight because you want to miss NOTHING…but then you crash! 🙂  You’ve pretty much always been a great sleeper, for which we are sooo incredibly thankful!

Measurements and Sizes: You can still rock some 6-9 or 6-12 months, some 9 month, and some 12 month items.  Sooo… pretty much your closet is a smorgasbord of sizes right now, but that’s fun–lots to choose from!  We haven’t been to the doctor since the last update so we’re not really sure about your weight and height this month.  Still maintaining the size 3 diapers!

What makes you YOU this month?  Another phase and more experience with mobility is changing all our lives very rapidly.  To think that we moved at the end of March and you began sitting independently, then rocking, then crawling, then pulling up, then letting go, then standing independently… WOW!  We know the ten to eleven month window holds a lot of excitement for us. 🙂  Your sweet spirit and personality soak up any chance we have to get out and about, see and visit with people, etc.  You make us smile and laugh all the time–and you have that effect on lots of people when we get out and about, too.  We love how joyful and full of life you are.  Even though that keeps us on our toes (literally), we wouldn’t trade your personality for anything.  We praise Jesus for your precious life and for making you so uniquely LIAM!

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